
Ethical issues of placebo-controlled clinical trials in multiple sclerosis

Jeffrey A Cohen

JA Cohen has worked at Cleveland Clinic’s Mellen Center for Multiple Sclerosis Treatment and Research since 1994. JA Cohen has a large clinical practice devoted primarily to the care of patients with multiple sclerosis and related disorders. In addition, he is Director of the Experimental Therapeutics Program and has been involved in various capacities in a large number of clinical trials developing new therapies for multiple sclerosis. As Director of the Clinical Neuroimmunology Fellowship, he has trained 16 fellows as of 2011, many of whom have gone on to be prominent in the field. JA Cohen has served on a large number of grant review committees, advisory groups, and national and international task forces. He has over 150 publications concerning immunologic, clinical and research aspects of multiple sclerosis, and is frequently invited to speak on these topics.
