
Facial nerve imaging: A contemporary review

Roehm Pamela

Imaging plays a basic part within the assessment of a number of facial nerve disorders. The facial nerve incorporates a complex anatomical course; hence, a intensive understanding of the course of the facial nerve is fundamental to localize the destinations of pathology. Facial nerve brokenness can happen from assortment of causes, which can frequently be distinguished on imaging. Computed tomography and attractive reverberation imaging are supportive for distinguishing hard facial canal and delicate tissue anomalies, separately. Ultrasound of the facial nerve has been utilized to anticipate utilitarian results in patients with Bell’s paralysis. More as of late, dissemination tensor tractography has showed up as a unused methodology which allows three-dimensional show of facial nerve filaments. Imaging plays an important role within the assessment of facial nerve disarranges. The facial nerve encompasses a complex anatomical course, and brokenness can be due to intrinsic, incendiary, irresistible, traumatic, and neoplastic etiologies. Computed tomography is valuable for recognizing hard anomalies of the intratemporal facial nerve, which can happen with innate mutations, injury, and cholesteatoma. Attractive Reverberation Imaging (MRI) is valuable for recognizing delicate tissue anomalies around the facial nerve, as seen in provocative clutters, neoplasms, and hemifacial fit.
