
Neurodevelopmental Impairment of Neonatal Meningitis in Full-Term and Near-Term Newborns : A Retrospective Study of One Center

Herve Berenger Chatue Kamga

Neonates are at more serioushazard for sepsis and meningitisthandifferentages. EarlyNeonatalmeningitis due to streptococcus group B isserious but uncommondisease. The prevalence of neonatalmeningitisisestimated 0.15- 0.5per 1000 birth in industrialized countries and mortalityfromneonatalmeningitis ranges from 10–15%. Increasingntrapartumantibioticprophylaxis(IAP)coveragewaslinearlyassociatedwithdecreasedrisk of Early-onset group B streptococcaldisease (EOGBS) diseaseby 85-90%. But group B Streptococcus (GBS ; Streptococcus agalactiae) still a leadinginfectious cause of neonatalmorbidity and mortality of neonatalonsetsepsis and. Theriskwithoutan IAPpolicyisestimated 1,1%. Neurologic complications remainshigh in neonate patient withneonatalmeingitis due to streptococcus.
