
Neurofibromatosis emphysema and interstitial lung disease

Liu Yongjun

Lung cancer associated with neurofibromatosis type I is considered veritably rare, and only a many case reports have been described in the literature. There’s some substantiation that a inheritable relation between neurofibromatosis and carcinogenesis in the lung may live. We present a 42- time-old lady, continuance nonsmoker with a given history of neurofibromatosis type I, free of respiratory symptoms, which passed a low- cure HRCT of the lungs to probe any occult interstitial lung changes. A solitary ill- defined bump of ground- glass nebulosity was detected apropos in the middle lobe with no associated lymphadenopathy or metastatic complaint. Several thin- walled lung excrescencies were also seen in the lower lobes. Histological analysis of the bump after middle lobectomy revealed well- discerned adenocarcinoma. The case didn’t admit systemic chemotherapy or radiotherapy. She was free of complaint on 18- month follow up.
