Sublethal Aqueous Extract of Tuba (Jatropha curcas) Leaves for Bacteriostatic Activity with Coliform
Andreya Marie R. Alvarez, Martha Jean G. Basilla, ShiriPadrigon, Gio A. Elegado, Jhetro Cledera, Ferly J. LoveteThe leaves of tuba (Jathropacurcas) contain chemical compounds such as saponins and alkaloids which are known to have antimicrobial activities, specifically against coliform (Dada et al., 2014). However, these components are also known to be toxic. This study therefore aims to reduce the toxicity of the plant extracts and validate its effectivity in treating coliform presence in water. The basis for the plant’s toxicity used in this study is its lethal concentration; LC50 on mosquito larvae of 359ppm (Tomass, 2013), dictating the concentration of the plant that kills 50% of a test population.