
Successful retrieval of a dislodged Zotarolimus-eluting coronary stent in the ascending aorta

Adithya Udupa

Coronary stent dislodgment or embolization is rare in the era of 3rd generation Drug Eluting Stents but is a challenging complication in interventional cardiology. Intracoronary embolization of the dislodged stent is associated with a high risk of coronary occlusion, due to thrombus formation and subsequent myocardial infarction. Furthermore, systemic embolization may cause severe cerebrovascular events. Nonsurgical retrieval options for this complication are being used with good results in most cases, but bailout cardiac surgery may be indicated if percutaneous retrieval attempts fail. We present here a case of dislodgement of a zotarolimus-eluting coronary stent during percutaneous coronary intervention and successful retrieval from the ascending aorta using a Amplatz goose neck microsnare.
