
The Importance of Orthopedic Treatment in Crouzon Syndrome -Detailed Clinical Description

Liana Lima Pinheiro

Facial orthopedics is fundamental for the early correction of orofacial and dental deformities in patients with Crouzon syndrome. This syndrome is an autosomal dominant, hereditary disease characterized by craniofacial deformities caused by the premature closure of cranial sutures. It is clinically diagnosed by the reduction of the anterior and posterior cranial bases, exophthalmia, and maxillary hypoplasia. The forehead is high, with a hooked nose, hypertelorism, palpebral ptosis, and asymmetrical orbits. Treatment during the growth phase is essential to achieve stimulation of the upper jaw, providing space for all teeth, and also balancing the mandible. With these, there is a functional restoration of speech, swallowing and mastication that are essential for development, besides providing an aesthetic improvement during adolescence phase. Early treatment minimizes the need of more aggressive surgical procedures. The aim of this lecture is to describe all steps of an orthopedic treatment using removable and fixed appliances in a 10 year old girl with Crouzon syndrome that underwent an orthopedic/orthodontic treatment during her growth phase.
