
Zero contrast angioplasty of LAD ostium by marker wire technique

Afzalur Rahman, Farhana Ahmed, Mohammad Arifur Rahman

Zero contrast Angioplasty brings new hope and new era in treating patient with chronic kidney disease (CKD). It is technically very promising approach for the prevention of contrast induced nephropathy (CIN). Contrast induced nephropathy (CIN) is a common iatrogenic complication associated with adverse outcome including need for Renal replacement therapy (RRT). Zero contrast PCI is creating new era in the field of coronary intervention specially treating those patients with CKD who are suffering from refractory angina and not indicated or fit for Cardiac Bypass surgery. Besides treating simple lesion, challenging case like LAD ostial PCI with placement of stent precisely in LAD ostium can be done by zero contrast or minimal contrast. In this case, for the first time marker wire technique had been used with applying some innovative approach in placing stent precisely in ostium successfully.
